> Linda Maria TownsendAvenida Gabriel Miró 34 Edificio Perlamar 3ª Local 9 03710 CALPE Lawyer languages: English / Spanish Tel: 96 583 04 13 Fax: 96 583 83 22 E mail: admin@lindatownsend.es An established Calpe lawyer dealing with British clients through her Perlamar office. First floor at the back. | > Fernando Ferragud PardoAvenida Gabriel Miró 34 Edificio Perlamar 3ª Local 13 03710 CALPE Lawyer languages: English / Spanish / German / French Tel: 96 583 66 14 Fax: 96 583 77 42 E mail: fernando@ferragud.e.telefonica.net A well known Calpe lawyer specializing in court work, conveyancing and inheritances for British, German and French clients. Also in the Perlamar building, first floor on the left. |
> Isabel González González and Ana Lafuente RodrigoAvenida Gabriel Miró 13 Edificio Aitana 1º Puerta 7 03710 CALPE Lawyer languages: English / Spanish / French / German Tel: 96 583 38 75 Fax: 96 583 75 15 E mail: igonzalezgonza@wanadoo.es | > Cristina Roldán MerinoAvenida Gabriel Miró 5 (Oscar Arconada S.L.U.) 03710 CALPE Lawyer languages: English / Spanish / French Tel: 96 583 5662 Mob: 630 354 644 E mail: cristina@oscararconada.com A Calpe lawyer who contributes useful articles to magazines and newspapers and completes tax returns and gives tax advice at reasonable rates. Inheritances, residence / non-residence, conveyancing. |
> Antonio Ivars TurAvenida Gabriel Miró 34 Edificio Perlamar 1º Local 10 03710 CALPE Lawyer languages: English / Spanish Tel: 96 583 53 08 Fax: 96 583 53 08 E mail: calpait@yahoo.es | > Isabel Salve MansillaCalle 18 de Julio 15,Avenida Ifach Edificio Consulado, Entresuelo 03710 CALPE Lawyer languages: Spanish Tel: 96 583 56 89 Fax: 96 583 56 89 E mail: isabelsalve@telefonica.net A Calpe lawyer dealing in all aspects of Civil Law. |
> Encarna and Maria Vives IvarsAvenida Masnou 6 03710 CALPE Lawyer languages: English / Spanish / French / German / Dutch / Italian Tel: 96 583 04 70 Fax: 96 583 04 82 E mail: vives@xpres.es | > Maria Ángeles Tur Ivars and Rosario Villas BouzónCalle Maestro Serrano 1 Edificio Playsol 1 - 2ºD 03710 CALPE Lawyer languages: English / Spanish / German / French Tel: 96 583 33 17 Fax: 96 583 79 35 E mail: villartur@inicio.es |
> Moisés Vicens MolinerCalle Corbeta 3 Edificio Vista Ifach entresuelo 03710 CALPE Lawyer languages: English / Spanish / German / French Tel: 96 583 45 61 Fax: 96 583 43 67 E mail: mvabogados@ctv.es Moises Vicens Moliner is an established Calpe lawyer specializing in urban planning matters. | > Pineda - TorresAvenida Gabriel Miró 27 Edificio Majestic 1º B 03710 CALPE Lawyer languages: Tel: 96 583 77 04 Fax: 96 583 59 65 E mail: pinedatorres@wanadoo.es |
> Sendra Guardiola AbogadosAvenida Ifach 9 Edificio Les Muralles, Entresuelo local 3 03710 CALPE Lawyer languages: Tel: 96 583 96 99 Fax: 96 587 45 85 E mail: sendraguardiola@wanadoo.es | > Angeles Grimalt FrancoCalle Navio 2 - 2ºC 03710 CALPE Lawyer languages: English / Spanish / German / French Tel: 96 583 84 94 Fax:95 583 84 94 E mail: angeles.grimalt@airtel.net |
> Susanne ErthalAvenida Madrid 12-A Edificio Europlaya., 03710 CALPE Lawyer languages: German / English / Spanish Tel: 96 583 96 37 Fax: 96 583 99 20 E mail: info@erthal.com A Swiss Calpe lawyer dealing principally with German and Swiss inheritances. | > Alfredo BarbeitoAvenida de la Marina 308 La Fustera 03720 BENISSA Lawyer languages: German / Spanish Tel: 96 649 72 96 Fax: 96 599 20 55 E mail: alfredo@alfredobarbeito.com Office in the La Fustera commercial centre. German speaking lawyer. Conveyancing, inheritances and international law. |
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ALICANTE LAWYER> Pedro Heredia OrtizReyes Católicos 26, 3º pta.2 03003 ALICANTE Lawyer languages: English / Spanish Tel: 96 635 1999 Fax: 96 635 1999 Mob: 660 336 045 E mail: pheredia-ortiz@icali.es An English speaking Alicante based lawyer who is willing to undertake conveyancing and general legal work in Calpe. | JAVEA LAWYER> Elizabeth Táboas SuárezRC/Vivente Boix 1,º-2 pta.2 03730 JAVEA Lawyer languages: Dutch/ English / Spanish Tel: 96 646 2107 Fax: 96 646 2107 Mob: 639 251 660 E mail: taboas@hotmail.com A established Dutch and English speaking lawyer who is based in Javea and deals with conveyancing and related legal work. |